Rabu, 26 Mei 2010

Gatsby sort story


This is the story about young people’s love. This story is very interesting to be read because this story is reflect the young people’s felling of love in everyday they life.
This story is also be more interesting because of its content the characters that can make people interested to read this book. These sort story was written on simple telling(simple story) to makes the reader easily on understanding the story.
The title of the story is ‘The Great Gatsby” that was written by F. Scott Fitzgerald, known as a good story writer, many best sort story was written by him.
LOVE have very powerful meaning. Love can make people do everything to express their feeling. people can do everything even if it is a crazy thing that unreasonable for another people. Love can also make people happy or sad. Love is a gift from God for every people in the world, so that they can feel happy. Sometimes the story of is complicated. We can’t predict the way of love. So many love story that ended on sadness and the other ended their love story on happiness.
The love story of the main character of these sort story is relative complicated. Its needs his struggle to make it real.
The story of Gatsby’s love was begin when he met the beautiful girl named Daisy, she is Gatsby’ boss’s daughter. They met each other when they still teenager. They are falling in love in the first meeting. They are separated because of the world war II. At that time Gatsby follow in war.

Daisy felt very sad because of it. She sad because she so far away from Gatsby, the man that can make her fall in love. She can’t meet Gatsby for long time. Until Daisy studied at Yale University the place on where she met Tom Buchanan, the man that finally become her husband. Daisy and Tom seem like a great couple. At the first time they live so very happy. The happiness of Daisy and Tom ended when Tom has affair with another girl. And it known by Daisy’s cousin named Nick Caraway. Nick visits to Daisy’s house to see Daisy because they were not meeting each other for long time.
In sort, Daisy meets Gatsby again. Daisy does not realize that Gatsby was stay near Daisy’s house for so long. Gatsby was build a big house near Daisy’s house and stay there only to be near and close with daisy, so he can see, he still has a dream to meet Daisy.
Gatsby do all things to meet Daisy. He gives big parties to strangers every Saturday night , only to meet Daisy . he want to show his house to Daisy and make Daisy realize that he has been so close from her. He was waiting her for five years.
Nick caraway became Gatsby’s friend. And it is the way for Gatsby to meet Daisy, the woman that he loves. At the first meeting they look very happy. It can seen from their eyes. They see each other. Talk about their story. Daisy looks so sad when she tells Gatsby the truth that she has been married with Tom and now she doesn’t feel happy with him.
Although Daisy has been married Tom Buchanan. They still love each other. Until the time when Daisy kill someone when she drive a car. Because Gatsby loves Daisy very much, he protect Daisy any more. He waiting Daisy out side her house only to make sure that Daisy is fine. He also said that he is the people that was kill that people only to make Daisy feels save.
On that tragedy Gatsby death because he was shot by the woman (victim)’s husband. And its is the end of his dream.


1. Characters on these sort story.
The character on these sort story are classified into :
a. Protagonist character
The protagonist characters on these sort story are: Gatsby and Daisy
They are categorize into protagonist character because they are the main character on these sort story. They are the character who dominates the narrative. And its because they have a good behavior.
b. Antagonist character
The antagonist character is the influential enemy of protagonist character. In the Great Gatsby sort story the antagonist character are Myrtle Wilson, Tom Buchanan, and Wilson.
• Myrtle Wilson
Myrtle Wilson is a wife of Mr. Wilson, she has an affair (secret relationship ) with Tom Buchanan (Daisy’s husband)
• Tom Buchanan as told before , he is Daisy’s husband who has a affair with Myrtle although Myrtle has had a husband. It was make Daisy become un happy with her married.
• Wilson
He is Myrtle’s husband . he was shoot Gatsby and kill him.
c. Witnesses Character
The witnesses character on these sort story is Nick Caraway. The witnesses character is the minor character. Nick observes development and act.
2. setting
The setting on these sort story are on Daisy’s house, Gatsby’s house, apartment in New York, Wilson’s house

III. Conclusion
analyze the sort story from its character, setting, and plot. by analyze sort story we can know the quality of these sort story, we can know that the sort story is has a good quality for reader or not.

From these analysis we can know that the Great Gatsby sort story is a good sort story for reader. It will be interesting to read these sort story. So, I suggest you to read these sort story.


Ciri – ciri orang beriman.

Menurut Al-qur’an surat Al-anfal ayat 2-4 ciri-ciri orang beriman yaitu:

2. Sesungguhnya, orang-orang beriman, ialah orang-orang yang, bila disebut nama Allah gemetar hatinya, dan apabila dibacakan ayat-ayat Allah kepadanya, bertambah imannya, sedang mereka itu bertawakal kepada tuhannya.

3. (Dan) orang-orang yang mendirikan sholat, dan menafkahkan sebagian rezeki yang kami berikan kepadanya.

4. Mereka itulah orang – orang yang sebenarnya beriman. Untuk mereka derajat(yang tinggi) disisi Tuhannya dan ampunan serta rezeki yang mulia.
(QS. AL-ANFAL ayat 2-4)

Beriman kepada Allah, ialah mengi’tikadkan (meyakinkan) , bahwa Allah itu satu tidak beranak,dan tidak ada yang serupa dengan dia satu juapun .

Yang menciptakan langit dan bumi. Dia mengadakan jodoh (perempuan) bagimu, dari pada dirimu, begitu pula jodoh-jodoh pada binatang-binatang ternak, sehingga kamu menjadi ramai. Tak ada satupun yang menyerupaiNya. Dia Maha mendengar lagi Mahamelihat.
(QS. ASY-SYUURAA ayat 11 )

1. Katakanlah (ya Muhammad): Dia Allah yang Mahaesa.
2. Allah yang dituju (untuk meminta hajat)
3. Dia tiada beranak dan tiada pula diperanakkan (berbapa)
4. Dan tidak ada satupun yang menyerupaiNya.

(QS. AL-IKHLAS ayat 1-4)

Indahnya memaafkan

Betapa Indahnya Memaafkan...

Setiap manusia yang hidup di dunia ini pernah melakukan kesalahan, baik itu kesalahan kecil maupun kesalahan besar yang dapat berakibat fatal. Kesalahan atau kekeliruan tersebut dapat berupa kesalahan pada diri sendiri maupun kesalahan terhadap orang lain. Kesalahan pada diri sendiri misalnya: kita tidak menggunakan waktu yang kita miliki dengan baik sehingga hal tersebut dapat merugikan kehidupan kita dan bahkan mungkin dapat berakibat buruk untuk masa depan kita. Sedangkan kesalahan atau kekeliruan terhadap orang lain diantaranya ialah berbagai tindakan kita yang dapat mengakibatkan kerugian terhadap orang lain dan menyakiti perasaan orang lain. Kesalahan terhadap orang lain tersebut dikarenakan manusia adalah makhluk sosial yang tidak terlepas dengan kontak dengan orang lain. Dalam berhubungan dengan orang lain tersebutlah terkadang manusia melakukan kesalahan.
‘MAAF’ merupakan satu kata yang sederhana namun mengandung makna yang sangat dalam. Kata ’maaf’ terkadang menjadi satu kata yang sangat sulit untuk diucapkan. Meminta maaf merupakan hal mulia, namun alangkah lebih mulia lagi jika kita mampu untuk memaafkan dengan ikhlas. Diperlukan hati yang tulus dan ikhlas untuk dapat memaafkan kesalahan orang lain.
Dalam bukunya; 52 cara sederhana membangun keyakinan diri, Chaterin E. Rollins mengatakan bahwa: “memaafkan akan memberi perasaan tenang, beres, dan menyelesaikan semua kejadian pada masa lalu kita yang tidak bisa kita lupakan. Dengan begitu memaafkan berarti menyembuhkan“.
Kita tidak bisa menuntut orang lain untuk tidak berbuat salah kepada kita, kita juga tidak bisa menuntut kepada orang lain untuk melakukan semua yang kita inginkan karena kita ini bukanlah “jaksa penuntut“. Kita juga tidak bisa menghakimi orang lain, apakah mereka telah berkata atau bertindak salah yang mengakibatkan perasaan kita menjadi tersakiti dan dirugikan karena kita ini juga bukanlah “Hakim“ yang dapat menentukan seseorang itu benar atau salah.
Dalam bukunya, Chaterin E. Rollins juga berpendapat: “Memaafkan akan membebaskan anda untuk menghadapi masa kini dan mwmbuat rencana masa depan. Memaafkan menempatkan anda pada posisi dimana anda tidak lagi berada ’di bawah pengaruh’ pandangan kritis orang lain termasuk pandangan atau sikap yang merusak harga diri dan melukai kepercayaan diri anda“.
Oleh sebab itu, belajarlah untuk dapat memaafkan kesalahan orang lain, agar hidup kita bisa tenang, aman, damai dan bahagia. Bukankah Tuhan saja yang maha mulia selalu memaafkan hambanya yang telah bertaubat?. Lalu mengapa kita umatNYA begitu angkuh dan sombong sehingga sulit bagi kita untuk ’memaafkan’.